Freedom of speech does not mean the medium would allow you to say whatever you like. It means you can choose whatever medium you like.
Comment on Telegram Is a 'Scammer's Paradise' Thanks to Cheap Phishing Tools 1 year ago
Imo, it is a kind of trade-off between speech of freedom and easy automation/integration and all this spam. I’m ok with it, just a couple of marks in settings (like only my contacts can send me messages). If one wants to have a spam-free space, they can go to Facebook Messages or something like this. I can not imagine how Telegram can fight all this spam without hiring a lot of moderators like Facebook. Even to hire moderators, Telegram needs to change the business model and start selling user data for advertising. 1 year ago 1 year ago
OP was clearly referring to speech of freedom though, not freedom of speech as described in the 1st amendment. Speech of freedom is a stricter category relating to remarks about your freedom or perceived freedom, and is generally allowed by the TOCs of most popular online platforms today. 1 year ago
Then it’s more interesting than I thought. 1 year ago
Maybe my opinion is biased. But in Russia where I was living until the beginning of 2024, only in Telegram you was able to find channels on independent media and bots, like “smart vote” (the project of russian opposition about coordinate voting against ruling party). And I understand that if opposition leader can easily create bot that would be very hard to block, then anyone, including spammer, can easily create such a bot that would be very hard to block. 1 year ago
It’s not very convenient to use “safely” (for a grandma with nothing to hide, not for a usual person) even only for DMs, phone number requirement and channels and massive group chats and sponsored ads make it kinda dangerous.
Telegram is crap. It’s as “free” as WhatsApp, technically inferior, has unfounded pretense at being somehow connected to privacy, and its owners are no less malicious than Facebook.
Now for a targeted professional attack it doesn’t matter much what you use, they’ll likely still succeed.
I much prefer XMPP to Matrix, but if there’s a choice between Matrix and TG, it’ll be Matrix 100%.