Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture’: Samsung defends AI photo editing on Galaxy S24 11 months ago
Hands Monopoly money to the clerk at a Samsung store
“I’ll take the S24, money is a made up concept anyway”
Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture’: Samsung defends AI photo editing on Galaxy S24 11 months ago
Hands Monopoly money to the clerk at a Samsung store
“I’ll take the S24, money is a made up concept anyway” 11 months ago
Ha ha, very clever… money is just made up. But wait, so are borders, sovereignty, language, art, moral and commercial value, the law, logic, authority, human rights, culture, and government.
According to Jacques Lacan, experience itself is a fabrication; the worst thing that can happen to a person is to come into contact with the real.