Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
How do you all that have your services on your LAN accessing it over wireguard when external pass the wife/kids/family test? If I had to have my wife activate a VPN before she could access our nextcloud or bitwarden, she’d just never use it 1 year ago
Is always on not an option? 1 year ago
Always on wireguard kills battery life on mobile for me so I guess that’s a no. 1 year ago
that should not be the case because wireguard only ‘runs’ when it sends or receives packets. try setting the keepalive time a bit higher, 5 minutes maybe. 1 year ago
It also breaks android auto for me. 1 year ago
always on they wouldnt know about it and if the connection failed or the wg service crashed on their phone then the services wouldn’t work. It adds a complexity that you don’t want when you’re trying to pass the wife test. Plus yes battery. 1 year ago
no wireguard should not decrease batterylife (see my other comment) we use wg eith always on without any problems. sometimes it stops on one phone but l9oking for the key icon and clicking the action button in the navigationcontrolmenuthingy is quite easy