Comment on Oh great – now Facebook and Instagram want your private data to train Meta's latest AI pipe dream 1 year ago
Oh no not my fb and insta.
Oh wait. I don’t have that trash.
Carry on
Comment on Oh great – now Facebook and Instagram want your private data to train Meta's latest AI pipe dream 1 year ago
Oh no not my fb and insta.
Oh wait. I don’t have that trash.
Carry on 1 year ago
Congrats, Lemmy is usually a vocal critic against those that “only care about issues when they affect them personally” but you managed to get upvotes.
I am not holding it against you, bias is human but it is something some of us should reflect about. 1 year ago
Sorry I don’t grasp your comment. Can you elaborate 1 year ago
The people still back on the
matrixmajor platforms still do things that affect you indirectly like voting, buying things that shape everyone’s market, having their cognitive flaws exploited in ways that yours may also be… 1 year ago
Yeah I suppose that’s pretty fair.
My only defense I suppose is that regardless of their data being harvested. They vote against their own interests.
They have been warned for decades that their data was being harvested. They did not listen because they do not care. They do not vote for things that would improve my life. So even if the statement is correct.
It does not change the outcome. People will vote for what they want. We are not altruistic.
We should be. As things that improve others will inherently impact us. As voting for selfish reasons will folly us all the same. 1 year ago
Theses usually a variation of this that makes it to all once a week.
your reasoning does fit the spitit of this list. You dont care because its not your data.To be clear, i am not faulting you for having that opinion even while i personally disagree, i am trying to sprak out about a rather noticeable case of double standards within the community. 1 year ago
What community?