I doubt it’s her. I mean, it could be. But more likely it’s going to TM rather than her.
acetanilide@lemmy.world 1 year ago
chaospatterns@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Doubtful. TicketMaster is there to take the bad PR but was designed to get as many fees and funnel part of those fees to the artist. Yes TM has deals with Live Nation that basically force big artists to use them because they have the big stadiums, but Taylor Swift is a massive artist she has tons of lawyers and can negotiate fees.
As much as I love Taylor Swift, I have no doubt that she is massively benefiting from the high ticket prices.
acetanilide@lemmy.world 1 year ago
zorlan@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I can’t speak for the arrangement between the artist and the venue, but generally the agency just makes money from the fees.
zorlan@lemmy.world 1 year ago
She totally is, ticketing agencies’ take is the service and delivery fee, base price is still driven by the artist/their management.