Fox News has pay walls, not the bee doesn’t and has mostly the same info. It’s basically the same thing as wapo or commondreams or salon, just from the other side of aisle.
! has those as sources right now.
Fox News has pay walls, not the bee doesn’t and has mostly the same info. It’s basically the same thing as wapo or commondreams or salon, just from the other side of aisle.
! has those as sources right now. 1 year ago
Fox News is garbage, too. They have been shown to be proven liars in court multiple times.
Who took the Washington Post to court for defamation and won a record-setting judgement? Fox defames people and institutions as a matter of course.
Politics has those bad commentary sites (which I would prefer they didn’t), but there are actual news sources posted there.
All I see here is commentary from people who are motivated to enrage conservatives based on spurious reasoning and culture war bullshit. 1 year ago
What is false in the article? 1 year ago
Among other stupid things it says, let’s focus on this one:
When have Texas judges ever had a say in immigration policy?
Like I said: this is just bait to piss off conservatives. 1 year ago
and that is a fair criticism. State judges typically would not get a say in federal law.