Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year agoOoooooookaaaaayyyyy. You are more interested in feeling attacked and defending your ego than discussing praxis. I’m not interested in that.
Also lmao thinking I own stock. 1 year ago
No, I’m not. I was genuinely asking questions here, I was not intending on being confrontational. I’m not even who you originally replied to.
Even if you personally don’t own stock, do you imagine everyone who owns a share of VOO makes decisions for every company in the S&P 500? That’s my point, ownership isn’t necessarily management, just entitlement to control and profit.
If Workers collectively own a factory, they may choose to vote on how to produce, or vote on a manager. The point is leaving it to the Workers to decide, rather than a dictatorial owner, ie a Capitalist. 1 year ago
Yes I noticed, which makes it even weirder that you are asking about my knowledge about capitalist systems and my personal opinions, which have zero relevance to the question.
I still have no idea what this has to do with a system where the workers own the means of production. 1 year ago
It is entirely relevant. By asking what a worker would do if they don’t want to contribute to actively managing a company, you are demonstrating a lack of understanding how Capitalist systems function. You’re implying Capitalist owners actively contribute and manage the companies they own. Owning stocks and thus a portion of companies doesn’t mean you’re an active manager, it just entitles you to voting power proportional to your ownership.
If workers owned the Means of Production, then they collectively have voting power, but a worker that does not wish to use said voting power would act just as any other Capitalist that does not wish to exert their power would do: Collect profit and maintain their current power. 1 year ago
XD my man… I knew you could do it!