Get rid of an income tax and move to a federal sales tax on everything. Provide cost of living stipends for everyone. It could provide a safety net and stop tax avoidance schemes.
Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 11 months agoHow do we tax the rich? 11 months ago 11 months ago
Sales tax on everything… isn’t a tax on wealth. Why not just do some of the things Scandinavian countries do?
Why is it so all-or-nothing on any one idea? There is a lot of nuance in how you tax income, and the teeth and regulation in order to effectively tax corporations. Anything over 400k, taxed at 90%.
Doesn’t help that politics are very corrupt, politicians can do insider trading, media is owned by private interests, unions are demonised and unsurprisingly workers rights are almost non-existent, and you have a two party system that’s deeply flawed.
The US had a real shot at moving in the right direction, but the DNC saw it fit to sabotage it’s own candidate. I’d imagine treason charges for so something like that… but, not even an apology.
Anyways… 11 months ago
You don’t need to tax wealth. Amased wealth will be taxed when the wealth is spent. 11 months ago
I understood your argument. It’s just not how it works. Even if amassed wealth was used to buy stuff as a exchange of goods, it wouldn’t be anything significant, and it would be less significant the more wealth we’re talking about. That in itself should clue you in on why this doesn’t work. 11 months ago
Everything above the neck goes.