stop removing options
We removed the ability to move the taskbar to the top or the side of the screen because fuck you, that’s why. 1 year ago
Give me a Windows with better gaming performance and I switch right away. And if possible stop with this beta patched live rollout before testing. And FFS stop removing options to fix bloatware additions, at least just hide them for the plebs.
stop removing options
We removed the ability to move the taskbar to the top or the side of the screen because fuck you, that’s why.
Microsoft: You want a more stable better performing OS?
best I can do is AI everywhere.
Me: i want arch Linux Microsoft: we have arch Linux at home 1 year ago
Also, give us back the explorer ribbon that’s actually functional rather than adding extra clicks for things I use regularly hiding them behind submenus
And a start menu that isn’t, frankly, a joke. Even 8’s was more usable than this garbage
Like, stop changing things just to change them and removing functionality that we can’t get back without third party tools, that’s gotten obscene lately… Nobody cares about explorer tabs, and if they did, the Windows 11 implementation of them isn’t particularly good or functional anyway