Comment on Misadventures with my first server (On a old laptop) #1 11 months ago
Matches my experience. It doesn’t matter what guide I’m following, I seem to have to troubleshoot every other step. On the plus side, stumbling over every obstacle possible has been a great learning experience and I am primarily doing this as an exercise… Fuck me would I like something to just work though. 11 months ago
Current obstacle: dockstarter qbittorrent immediately flips torrent to ‘errored’. It can see peers, so i believe it has access to the internet. I have “sudo chmod 777 /mnt/hdd” on my pi, so I believe it has permissions to do stuff. I opened all the ports listed in Portainer on ufw and it errors even with ufw disabled so it isn’t that. I have reset the container so all changes should be applied.
I am currently trying to find the logs, /var/lib/docker gets me permission denied on my ssh. I used “sudo su” to get in and there is one thing listed in there and it isn’t labeled qbittorrentlog so I backed away slowly. “sudo su” makes me anxious for some reason.
Yay learning