Comment on AI Companies And Advocates Are Becoming More Cult-Like 1 year agoYeah bro but eXpOnEnTiAl ImProVeMeNt bro!
And haven’t you heard of Roko’s basilisk? Better be careful what you say on the cybernets, lest our AGI/ASI overlords of 2026 take a disliking to your commentary regarding their eventual supremacy! 1 year ago
I know it’s not the point, but that always strikes me as so dumb. Wouldn’t a superintelligent being know that you were simply hiding your true feelings? 1 year ago
What bugs me about it is the same problem the wager has. What if there was a later AI that punished you for helping the first one? And a still later one that punished you for not helping the first one. Since the number of invented gods are infinite and have contradictionary commands no action or inaction promises salvation. 1 year ago
Agreed, and it could definitely make such an assumption. The other aspect that I don’t really get is… if a superintelligent entity were to eventuate, why would it care?
We’re going to be nothing but bugs to it. It’s not likely to be of any consequence to that entity whether or not I expected/want it to exist.
The anthropomorphising going on with the AI hype is just crazy.