Comment on Palworld isn’t slowing down, hits 19 million players across Steam and Xbox 1 year agoI like Pokemon for making me feel connected to my Pokemon, and for exploring the world with them.
Imo Palworld had those and does them even better. 1 year ago
Interesting, I thought they were more… disposable? But now that I think about it, in ark, you had your near and dear creatures and then you had the faceless workers. 1 year ago
They are as disposable as you want them to be. I personally try to take good care of my pals 1 year ago
I have the ability to learn the butcher’s knife, but I will never learn or use it. Just awful. But I like that it’s there… 1 year ago
I hope the devs add a way to release the pals withou the butcher knife. My box is starting to fill up and I need space 1 year ago
Honestly? I think they should be more disposable. You can do stuff like sell, butcher, overwork or fuse away your Pals (all of which are rather deliberate on the player’s part), but I genuinely think if there was some threat of permadeath or having them stolen by the Syndicate baddies if you get sloppy, it would give the adventure a greater sense of threat/risk. People seek out Nuzlocke rules for a reason, and currently I find the options for dropping your items and Pals on death don’t really make compelling gameplay sense (you just walk back and get them).
Setting/story-wise, Palworld supports that kind of thing so I figure it’s most likely coming as an option eventually. The game is on track for some interesting things, and as half-baked as parts might seem now, it’s already fairly fun. Definitely an addictive formula.
It’s worth waiting to see where they take it if the journey and developing those bonds with the creatures are a big part of the draw for you. I doubt you’ll get compelling turn based combat at any point, though.