This feels like a weird take if you haven’t even played it. Like, how would you know?
The game is flawed, but genuinely super fun, and has a ton going for it outside of “Pokemon with guns”. In a lot of ways it’s what I always wished Pokemon could be, at least in the ways it makes its monsters feel unique and like actual partners instead of battle slaves, which is ironic considering Palworld is the one with actual slavery. 1 year ago
I doubt a no name company would be pulling all this attention out of marketing alone. If it was this easy everyone would do it.
In all fairness, this is not a great game. It’s a very derivative game whose only appeal is that it combines things in a way that hasn’t been done much. Like many other hype trains of questionable quality, it just happened to scratch the right itch for the right people at the right time. 1 year ago
Kind of how Fortnite was a rehash of stolen ideas (originally) of PUBG 1 year ago
I haven’t heard of the Sony-PUBG shenannigans, would you care to tell me more about it? 1 year ago
It’s been quite a long time but iirc there was originally a deal going on between them that got last second tossed out for Fortnite instead. Sadly I don’t fully remember