That’s completely subjective. Although if you find survival in general fun, you’ll probably feel right at home
Comment on c/Palworld, a community for the new monster-raming game 1 year agoThat solves one of the matters (Linux). What about the other? Is its singleplayer fun? 1 year ago 1 year ago
I’m aware that fun value is subjective, but that was the way that I found to ask succinctly if it’s possible to have fun even if you focus solely on singleplayer. (I’m not a big fan of MP).
A shame that the game didn’t want to run at any acceptable speed in my machine. Otherwise I’d be almost for sure playing it, even mentioned that it’s Ark-like (I’d love Ark if not for the grinding, so…) 1 year ago
Honestly I would describe it as Ark-lite. It has base building/taming and that’s pretty fun, and you can also get random encounters at your base. The leveling system is a bit grindy. There are dungeons and bosses in the world to go find and explore. The map is huge, I think I’ve hardly explored a tenth of it.
Been playing about 15 hours or so and enjoyed it, but the game is definitely early access. I’ve had a number of crashes, fell through the world a few times, etc. I’d give it a month or two if that bothers you. 1 year ago
Is singleplayer more compelling than Ark or Conan Exiles? Games like Valheim or Project Zomboid can completely take over my life but Ark/CE was always just kind of an aimless boring grind. 1 year ago
There’s a tutorial that leads towards the first dungeon boss of the game, but after that it looks like you make your own challenges. There’s a few bosses around my level that I’ll be taking on next, then I’m probably going to explore to see if I can find more dungeons. 1 year ago
Single player is fun if you like to play survival crafting games alone. “Pokémon with guns” is not actually a very good description. It’s a monster capturing game, and the creatures are cartoony like Pokémon, but it’s a third person survival crafting game. No turn based elements or choosing monster move sets or anything like that.
It’s more like Ark with Pokémon instead of dinosaurs 1 year ago
Yeah, it’s Ark but infinitely less grindy and with Pokemon