Sulk and downvote me all you want it’s just another expression of our imperial decline. Online reddit escapism. You probably still think Ukraine is winning.
Your country is becoming like Senegal used to be to us, a source of crude oil to import and a place to export fuel at once. We are DRINKING your MILKSHAKE. 😂😂😂
China is pioneering entire new forms of laser cooling systems. The UK is quite literally catching up.
As proven by China’s ability to build regular coal power plants at a high standards, nuclear reactors, mass manufacture solar to bring costs down and invent new technologies with batteries outside lithium ion such as zinc-hydrogen, flow batteries, even kinetic batteries.
They created a wave-based power system that will surely be useful throughout Indonesia, where they are also building the world’s fastest high speed rail.
Tell me, what has the left in the UK done for the world lately other than join hands with the right and send money to nazis? 1 year ago
K, suck that Pooh dick harder man.
This isn’t even a cogent response to what I said just a “things they did that don’t counter anything you said!” 1 year ago
By the way, you’re really stupid if you’re taking any article that has a big red laser seriously. You should know what a freaking laser looks like man. Grow the FUCK up 1 year ago
You genuinely have poor reading comprehension. Okay let me walk you through this, laser weapons require extremely high grade manufacturing and electronics to produce. China is a leader in this.
You’re just talking to an American who has investment experience, sorry that we care about actual facts instead of Reddit karma. Karma doesn’t depreciate because it’s completely worthless, like you.