The low voltage battery can fail to the point of the car becoming unresponsive, including the electronic door handles, but not because it lacks automatic charging for the auxiliary battery. That has been a feature of every Tesla since day 1
The low voltage battery can fail to the point of the car becoming unresponsive, including the electronic door handles, but not because it lacks automatic charging for the auxiliary battery. That has been a feature of every Tesla since day 1 1 year ago
I don’t know that much the architecture behind Tesla cars, but the door handles thing is what kept them out. And the fact that the low voltage battery as you call it was a pain to replace. 1 year ago
Yeah. The doors require power to open, and that includes the hood, which is where the auxiliary battery is. If it fails, there are wires you can pull out from the towing hook port which will activate the hood latch when external power is applied. It’s not great, but I’ve seen worse on gas cars