Open a port, see how quickly you get thousands of attempts per hour.
Now be JPM, with thousands of internet exposed interfaces.
Comment on JPMorgan Chase fights off 45 billion hacking attempts each day 1 year ago
Ping = attempted hack Accessing random address = hack Port scanning = hack Every single email = hack Every connection they have = hack
Seriously, how did they come up with that number?
Open a port, see how quickly you get thousands of attempts per hour.
Now be JPM, with thousands of internet exposed interfaces.
Should a port scan by a bad actor be considered multiple hacking attempts or a single hacking attempt?
Another way to think about it: if a burglar tries various windows and doors to find an unsecured opening, is that considered multiple burglary attempts or a single burglary attempt?
I wouldn’t even consider a port scan a hack.
It’s just like a thief looking at your home to see if there are any windows or doors open.
I wouldn’t consider a port scan a hacking attempt either but I think it would be more like trying to open the front door or attempting to open a window to see if it’s locked. But if people are trying to do that to my house I wouldn’t be real happy. Of course if you’re a business and someone tries to open the door before you’re open is that really a problem? I know I’ve done that before.
They are almost certainly being probed by thousands of requests every minute.
It’s likely an aggregation of everything web exposed. Shit like"=injection attempt" with password credentials and shit.
Was going to say then I must be fighting off thousands a day with my router. Looked at the logs for fun one day and the amount of default port and credential attacks was insane. 1 year ago
Each of my server got ssh login attempt at ~1 request / second. If you have 12 servers, that’s already 1 million hacking attempt per day. 1 year ago
Using a different Port than 22 decreased these numbers significantly for me. Fail 2 ban is active nevertheless 1 year ago
So you are also a Wall Street Titan? Wow. 1 year ago
Do it yourself. Open an HTTP port, see what happens.
Once an open interface is discovered, people will start probing it. 1 year ago
It was a joke. Just like the article.