Comment on Cold calling real estate agents - is there a law against it? 1 year ago
I don’t know but if I had to guess I’d say no such law exists.
They can’t “harass” you, but a once off call isn’t that.
Even if you could prove they had gotten your personal details through some nefarious means, no one would care. If you complained to their professional body I can almost guarantee they wouldn’t understand what the problem is. 1 year ago
Found the non-Millennial! I would say all phone calls are harassment. 😋 1 year ago
fuck off this person is whining about cold calls while people are literally dying because people like them are hoarding surplus housing. 1 year ago
Found the person with no sense of humour. 😋 1 year ago
I do not find it funny to joke about this sort of shit. People are dying because of people like the OP here and they are whining about cold calls while they deprive people of housing by being a parasitic piece of shit.
I hope they get many more cold calls in the future. Maybe joke about that instead asshole. 1 year ago
Jesus mate, there’s a reason people don’t take you seriously. 1 year ago
So you speak for all people now? The supreme arrogance you have displayed here is incredible.
You think you deserve to determine where people can sleep. You think you deserve to own houses you don’t need. 1 year ago
Think you need to chill out. Saying “No thanks” and hanging up doesn’t take a whole lot of courage or effort.
Also, who answers calls from numbers they don’t know? That shit can go to voicemail. 1 year ago
I just don’t answer the phone, ever. I usually just stare at it, frozen in horror until the vibrating stops.