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Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year agoOr, you know, just don’t buy smart devices. They are pointless wastes of money and don’t solve any problem but the imaginary problem their marketing made you think actually exists.
Which is better than just supporting something that google, amazon, and apple have developed. Which makes it inherently suspect anyone with a brain should have an intense primal need to avoid. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Never heard that one before, So original! 1 year ago
There are problems they can actually solve, mostly heating and power related:
In summer, lower the blinds on south facing windows when the sun comes up to reduce solar heating, then raise them in the evening to increase air flow against the window panes. This reduces the need for air conditioning, resulting in a surprising amount of power saved.
On a home solar system, start the washing machine, dishwasher, and dryer that were loaded in the morning when the batteries reach 80% charge. Allow them to run off the inverter rather than taking the charge/discharge losses involved in battery storage, reducing the size of both battery bank and solar array needed.
Lower the freezer temperature when there is a power surplus, and raise it back to normal when not so that cooling energy is used when it’s cheapest/most available
If you don’t work from home, you can’t do the second two yourself. They require automation. Reducing baseload requirements and battery storage needs can make a transition to renewable power much cheaper and more efficient. With mass adoption, that extends to power grids and not just off-grid homes, and has significant effects on things like the amount of lithium that needs to be mined or the number of coal and LNG power plants that are needed fo r times that at iff-peak for wind and solar generation. 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
literally no one will ever have that problem, but lets humor your ridiculous made up bullshit
Wow, your username really fits.
Actually, it’s a description of some of the issues I’m dealing with right now. And yes, we’re DIYing it with ethernet wired switching outlets on a separate clan and subnet. And yes, we use a chest freezer.
And yes, there are more automatic and passive ways to do some of these things, like planting deciduous trees to shade your south wall in summer but not winter. Not everyone owns their home and land though.
- 1 year ago
Matter, if implemented correctly, would save them all money and allow the privacy conscious to drop the cloud.
They are losing money on their voice assistants, so they want out of the business of being the voice part of the central hub.
They’ll find ways to monetize the users who are less privacy concerned, but that’s not me and I think it’s not a lot of people who are here. 1 year ago
I don’t care if you did down or up vote me.
Being upvoted doesnt make someone right, and being downvoted doesnt make someone wrong. Its just empty, addiction-driven gamification of human interaction that is completely devoid of any legitimate or good or purpose. 1 year ago
Or, you know, just maybe, it’s another form of communication, and does have some use. 1 year ago
No, its a parasite thats been added to communication, to its great detriment, to trick fools into fighting for points in a dopamine driven addiction scam and is directly responsible for the polarized and extreme direction human interaction has taken online.
It is literally destroying communication. Not enhancing it. not providing another form.