Ideally they also support a hardware key. Not nearly enough websites out there support FIDO/Webauthn.
Comment on Researcher uncovers one of the biggest password dumps in recent history 1 year agoAs long as that factor is auth app based, and not email/text/call/proprietary app I’m all in. If I need to go digging for the second factor for 5 minutes, I’m almost always going to turn it off. Texts emails and calls all get delayed regularly, and it’s super fun to have to sit with my thumb up my ass waiting 10 minutes for an OTP that was good for 5. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I wish more were like azure where you can get a phone call and hit pound 1 year ago
That’s also a less secure version of 2fa. Granted, it is still better than nothing, but sim spoofing is still a thing that happens regularly. Making it much less useful in a targeted attack. 1 year ago
over texting or an app. because an app requires a smartphone. 1 year ago
A smartphone is infinitely more secure than relying on a SIM card not being compromised. A little social engineering can get you access to receive a text as the link isn’t even controlled by you but a third party. An app on your phone is likely secured by a pin/biometric, and a password/pin/biometric, both controlled by you. 1 year ago
One time I had to use a website where the email 2FA expired in 30 seconds! I usually keep my email client open while my computer is on, but, come on, that was ridiculous. 1 year ago
I think for email it’s essential, it’s critical that someone doesn’t make it into your email. Otherwise they can reset all your other passwords.
I have mfa on my account but I just click a checkbox after first time to not ask again. I’m still protected by it and don’t have to do anything until I clear my cookies (which I don’t for email). 1 year ago
I think he’s thinking of TOTP noy being the standard, where you’d just pull out your totp app and paste it without waiting 1 year ago
Precisely, my brain just completely forgot the term for it and after minutes of not being able to remember for the list of my I just loosely described it. TOTP is exactly what I meant.