Comment on How common is smoking in Australia? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I thought this was an easy question to answer, but I realised that I don’t really notice people smoking unless it’s somewhere they aren’t meant to (illegal to smoke in indoor public spaces including near eating areas or on public transport, and in a car if a kid is also in the car). But people smoked around me for most of my early childhood so it’s just something that I’ve internally normalised and don’t notice

The statistics bureau publishes stats every year or two on smoking and according to 2022s:

58.3% of adults have never smoked (including vapes and e-cigs) 10.6% of adults are daily smokers (half of what it was 20 years ago) 14.4% of adults vaped or used an e-cig

People in rurual/outer regional areas are almost twice as likely to smoke People in areas of “most disadvantage” (ABS talk for poor places) are almost 4x as likely to smoke than those in areas of “least disadvantage” (ABS talk for rich places)

And apparently among daily smokers, the average amount per day is 11.8 cigs

Source for all this (quite interesting imo, but maybe I’m just a nerd):…/latest-release
