Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year agoBy the way, the RuSSians thought that if they could no longer fly to vacation in Europe or the USA, they would be able to vacation in Dubai, but after they bought tickets for the return trip, they could not even (there was news recently) return to RuSSia by plane, because the plane (RuSSian plane) broke down and they, as always, were “stuck” at the airport for several hours, ha-ha
ShindangAp 1 year ago
... The way which you wrote this made me think there was a far more dramatic ending than being stuck at an airport for several hours due to mechanical failure.
My brother in Christ, I experienced that in Cleveland...
But I am not sure what you mean at the end - are these guys STILL in Dubai?! You said they were stuk at the airport for several hours... Like... What, they had to stay at the airport to wait for their boat because, as you said, they couldn't return by plane? ... Or they waited several hours at the airport to catch another flight..? What are you saying? 1 year ago
They are technically still on the way, on day 117 of an epic, unplanned, and wholly uncontrolled kite-surfing misadventure. 1 year ago
…NGL that kinda sounds fun