Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago
I mean I’m no expert but the US has only had 17 years of peacetime in its 247 ish years of existence and it’s still going. War can often be profitable though I couldn’t tell you if that’s the case here.
I do know, however, that Russia is a huge oil and gas provider and despite the hand wringing that politicians do over human rights they almost always ignore them when it comes to fossil fuels. 1 year ago
well yeah, but the US had barely any sanctions against it. (unlike russia.) everyone was just “they helped us in this war. they must be the good guys. let’s import more Fords and Boeings” 1 year ago
I don’t think sanctions really work that well if I’m honest. Cuba has been sanctioned for what 60? 70? years now and while it isn’t exactly a world superpower it’s still here and doing pretty well given the circumstances 1 year ago
Cubans are exceptionally poor. 1 year ago
No they aren’t. They have similar wealth to other Caribbean nations, being richer than places like Jamaica and Haiti but poorer than Trinidad or the Dominican Republic. In global terms they rank 83rd, so above average, and they have a relatively high development index, I.e. pretty good health care and education. They might seem poor to you, but they’re actually richer than most of world.
ShindangAp 1 year ago
This is exactly right - and Russia and the Russian people experienced this lifestyle in the Soviet Union. They are fully prepared to endure it once again...
After all, the elites & sub-elites will still get everything that they want, and the Russian people thesmelves are not doing any worse than folks in third world countries (that's for sure!) which manage to putter along under their own corrupt oligarchs, rain or shine.