they actually increase labor costs thanks to employees who get taken away from their other duties
Big retailers would love to give hard working people’s jobs to robots, and in many cases they already have.
How on Earth did an editor allow an article containing both of those sentences, only two paragraphs apart, to be published? 1 year ago
Frankly this is one of the most disheartening editorials I’ve ever read on Gizmodo. “Cumbersome?” “Confusing?” “Error-prone?” “Terminator?” “Frustrations?” “Wasted time?” Just say you don’t understand how to use them and have no intention to learn. Weird flex for a tech journalist. 1 year ago
It literally ends with the sentence, "It turns out human beings might still have something to offer." I hated the entire article. 1 year ago
Yeah, aside from the factual inaccuracies and the axe-grinding so obvious that it may as well be classified as an op-ed, it’s so smugly sanctimonious. 1 year ago
"67% of people prefer self-checkout, but based on no data, that's probably changing, because we think it should and probably a lot of people are upset about the stealing that isn't really happening!"