Honestly, there’s way too much in this game to go without the wiki IMO. Not that you can’t have a good time without it, but it definitely opens up so much in the game.
Stuff like which dinos are good at gathering which resources, some have weight reductions for some materials, etc. Some dinos have passive abilities that are nice to know about.
If you’re all about the grind and randomly discovering things, that’s definitely an option, but there’s stuff that you’re likely to never find accidentally, like boss battles and the means to unlock them.
thorbot@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I’d be happy to provide any advice or assistance if you want to start hosting! In terms of gameplay, get some good collection Dinos! Collecting by hand is designed to be too slow. Get a nice trike for thatch and berry collection. Get a beaver for wood, and an armadillo guy for stone and flint. Then you can go out and do massive collection runs in just a few minutes to restock all your basic resources. Getting a bronto is awesome for berries but a bit overkill. Trikes do great for swiping berries up in mass quantities! Then you can get enough narco berries to tame more. It’s all about taming! Get a slingshot and shoot some low level pterosaurs for a nice quick flyer.