Incarcerating children increases rates of offending.
Comment on Police ‘cannot meet’ expectations for children in custody amid Cairns watch house overcrowding 1 year ago
“When in custody in Cairns, young people are visited by organizations and government agencies to ensure their welfare needs are met,” the statement said.
I mean, sure. We dont want 'em to die. But I’m tipping the people of Cairns who’ve suffered home invasions or cars stolen or had knives pulled on them probs don’t care if they are not getting the 5 star treatment. You get fed, you can go to the bathroom and you get limited exercise: That should be absolutely it. Dont like it? Maybe dont break the fucking law over and over again. 1 year ago 1 year ago
So whats your solution? I’m not up in cairns, but by all reports these are repeat offenders. This keeps happening, so what do we do here cause people are suffering and its not getting better. 1 year ago
Well we could start by not repeating the same behaviours that have clearly not been working for the last 100 years? 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
A night in a cell can help an adult - it’s a real wakeup call and a forced opportunity to sit and think about what you just did. These are often Teenagers. It should be exactly the same thing. If its not teaching a lesson we need to figure out how to make it a lesson. All the counseling in the would and gonna help an offender whos parents dont give a stuff and they just wanna watch the world burn. 1 year ago
Human rights apply to everyone regardless of whether they engage in crime. 1 year ago
Of course they do! Do you not see my comment saying fed bathroom and exercise? No one is disagreeing with that. But the situation isnt getting any better, so what do we do here? you either need to have government overstep into peoples lives to ensure these kids are raised properly (Which of course, isn’t palatable) or you make consequences actually stick (which no one seems to want either). So what, we stay the course? Accept its cool for teenagers to break into peoples homes at 3am, steal a car and go joy riding? Someone’s gonna get killed. Hell, someone just was in victoria! 1 year ago
maybe we look at addressing the systemic problems we face due to a legacy of slavery and colonialism? We’ve literally only tried the punitive approach; it’s maybe time for Australia to get its fucking act together