Anybody in his right minds wouldn’t connect buy a washing machine to with WiFi in the first place.
Said this elsewhere recently, family had a washing machine for 30 years, from when I was little to in my 30’s. Just fixed as needed. Could’ve still fixed it when they replaced it, just felt it was time.
I’ve never had dirty clothes come out of a washing machine, using cold water and powder soap. Not sure why people think an agitator needs all this nonsense attached.
I still buy my machines used off Craigslist. Current one (apartment style) is 20 years old, I’ve had it for 5 if them. Cost me less than $200. Replaced a spring for $20 so far.
There are no IoT/smart devices in my house (well, damn TV, but I’m workin on that). 11 months ago
I dunno about you, but I would love to get a notification on my watch when the machine has finished it’s cycle. And I’d also like to see a proper error description on my phone, instead of just “UE” on the timer LCD.
If we’re going to get really fancy… I’d love to be able to load the machine in the morning, but tell it to actually start running several hours later when I’m about to leave work home. I obviously don’t want clean wet clothes in the washing machine all day… but I don’t really want to run the washing machine when I’m home either, because it’s noisy.
A wifi connected washing machine sounds like a great feature to me, and I’d happily pay for it (with dollars, not with an invasion of privacy). I guess that means I won’t be buying an LG.