The whole point of having a large, comprehensive database is that it be robust, efficient, amd reliable.
When you introduce an immature, very hyped, untested at scale, other system or software to manage and curate said database, a system that is known to fail at edge cases, and you know your database features a lot of edge cases…
… the results are fairly predictable.
Large Corporate higher up types /consistently/ overlook the valid concerns that are later proven to be correct, which raised by people in their companies that actually understand the technology their company uses.
This happens time and time again in large corporations where it has become very clear that ego and the potential reward of more profit cause massive, costly debacles.
This happens because, at this point, its clear that a large number of tech ceos and management do not actually know tech or the tech industry, and still operate with the reckless abandon from the ‘move fast and break things’ kind of mentality that /might/ work in a start up, but do not work at all with a larger, more established and mature business.
As a person who has actually worked on different databases and more generally different roles in different parts of the tech industry, and in software related roles in other industries, for around a decade, I have seen things like this happen basically multiple times at every job I have had, though not to this scale. 1 year ago
Sure. But my point is, we don't know how many companies are using AI where everything's working fine. We're only seeing some of the failures, we're not seeing the successes. So we can't draw general conclusions from these specific examples.