Most ads are about brand recognition and not so much about trying to sell a specific product. Even if you think an ad is stupid, if you still can remember the brand then the ad worked.
Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year agoPlus nearly all advertising is insultingly stupid as to appeal to idiots. 1 year ago 1 year ago
That generally just makes me remember not to use that product or service because the ad was so annoyingly stupid 1 year ago
No, it didn't as brand recognition is desirable only if positive. 1 year ago
Ads are a way to fill people’s heads with brand names until nothing remains except for those brands and only those brands feel safe and familiar until it becomes a conditioned reflex to choose those products. And it works.
The Holy Market forbids people would actually choose products based on their own experience and price. 1 year ago
I actively avoid brands with annoying ads.
When unsubscribing from pretty much any service there’s usually little text box asking why. Whether or not it’s the real reason for leaving, I love citing obnoxious ads as the thing that pushed me out, especially for high-dollar moves like banking or insurance.
I know it’ll never accomplish anything, but it feels good. ^_^ 1 year ago
brand recognition is desirable only if positive.