Comment on Airlines say they found loose parts in door panels during inspections of Boeing 737 Max 9 jets 1 year agoThere are no European countries that are communist anymore.
The only communist country that has ever done well economically is China, and that was after they threw away socialist dogma, and allowed capitalism in their economy.
I live in Denmark, which is part of Scandinavia, and we have been using the social democratic model since 1924 when we got a social democratic prime minister, who is also our longest sitting prime minister with 15 years.
Yes we are seeing an unfortunate turn to the right in recent years, as I mentioned before, probably to a large degree because of Immigration from the middle east. Where the right claim they will stop immigration. But probably also because we have seen socialism/communism is a failed model that simply doesn’t work.
Social democracy on the other hand does work pretty well, and is probably the strongest at protecting the population and observing human rigts. But currently people don’t want a humane government, they want the immigration to stop, because it threatens our democracies and economic model with a high degree of social welfare. 1 year ago
100 years is quite a long time to maintain social demcracy.
While the right is using immigration to gain political power, I think if there wasn’t increased immigration, they would find some other way of gaining power. Idk which came first, but a lot of right wing politicians globally are taking notes from the US right (mainly Donald Trump), and the move towards fascism is gaining ground in many places right now, unfortunately. I can only comment on the US, really, but I believe in the US that this is successful due to people having economic hardship, which leads them to have more extreme idiologies (either socialism or fascism).
I hope Denmark will be able to maintain their social democracy and show that fascism is not the way.
Unfortunately, according to Marxist theory, social democracy will inevitably devolve back into straight capitalism, or worse. I hope Denmark can prove it wrong. 1 year ago
Yes it is, but it’s not a Social democratic government all the time, but even when it’s not, the policies of the right are leaning a lot towards it. Our right govern way more like the left than the Democrats of USA. We also once had a communist party, even with representation in parliament. But it collapsed with the Soviet Union.
Yes, USA remains a huge influence here too, despite how obviously and incredibly stupid their policies are. We have a couple right wing parties that still at times take inspiration from Republicans. But luckily it’s impossible to actually use their policies here. For instance Gay marriage and LGBT rights are not in question here, and neither is the Scandinavian welfare model we build on. It’s sad that USA inspired democracy in Europe, but they haven’t been able to modernize it to better standards.
That’s what I’m seeing too. There have been some regressions in Europe too, mostly the old Eastern block, but also Italy and Netherlands. Netherlands is very disappointing IMO, because it’s a country that in many ways is like Denmark.
Yes I sure hope so too, it’s funny that we are among the countries in Europe with the least amount of problems from fascism and Nazism in particular, probably more because rather than despite the Nazi party is actually legal here. That makes it easy for media to point out how stupid they are, and it makes it easy for security services to keep an eye on them.
Funny story, my history teacher in the 70’s claimed that the reason Communist countries weren’t more aggressive towards capitalism, was that they expected capitalism to fail soon by itself.
Well I guess they didn’t account for the strength of democracy, which unfortunately isn’t as strong in USA and UK as it is in Europe.
Capitalism has reigned the west for 2000+ years where the Romans invented banks, saying that it will fail now for some reason, does not agree with the experience we have from history. The experience we have with Communism on the other hand is way worse. Maybe China has a model that can last IDK, but in general by Marxist theory, it simply doesn’t work, and neither do his predictions about capitalism. He was right on one point though, and that was that the exploitation of ordinary workers including child labor needed to be fixed. His way of doing that however was not it.
In your defense, our social democrats are not what they used to be, they are more center now than left wing in the current government, but they’ve also lost a lot of support on that. Unfortunately that support has spread to both sides for some reason. Denmark is not as left leaning as I would like, and I shudder at the thought that most places are actually worse. 😱 1 year ago
The experience the world has had with communism is generally due to the centralization of power. Marx advocated for a stateless society, which, while it is something that I don’t fully understand, I think that it gets closer to a true democracy than a centralized government. 1 year ago
I applaud Marx for trying to do something in a constructive way against the indecency of hard Capitalism. But maybe the reason you don’t understand how to do Marxism without ending up with totalitarian communism, is because his idea that the state would wither away with Marxism because it is unneeded is fundamentally flawed.
I think that to have a good well functioning society, it needs to be strong. to be strong it needs to be well defined and organized. The idea that we can have a nice society without rules the majority agree on is ridiculous. The best way to have rules that are mostly accepted, is with democracy. Unless it’s an extreme religious country, where they will only accept religious doctrine.
As you have probably heard before, democracy isn’t perfect, but it’s the least bad option we have. With social democracy we control capitalism to not be (as) exploitive, and we combine the best we have: The humanity of socialism and democracy with the economic efficiency of capitalism controlled to avoid harm.
I don’t think you can create an economic model that won’t end up being exploitive if it’s not strictly controlled by regulation and an efficient government to enforce it.