Comment on Why docker 1 year agoApparently I was unclear, I was referring to the security implications of using different manifestations of other people’s code. Those are rather similar.
I’d recommend reading up on docker and containerization. It is not a script for setting up software.
I was referring specifically to docker files. Those are almost to the letter scripts for setting up software.
if that’s what you’re thought is then you really don’t understand containerization and I recommend taking some learnings on it.
I find your attitude not just uncharitable, but also rude. 1 year ago
and I find misinformation about topics like this also to be rude. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t understand something, but what I don’t like is you going out of your way to dissuade people from using a product when I don’t think you understand the core concepts of it. If you have valid criticisms like security of docker then that’s a different conversation about securing containers, but it’s hard to take them as valid criticisms if the criticism is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the product.
I don’t think anyone I have ever talked to professionally or read about docker would ever describe a dockerfile as “scripts for setting up software”. It is much more nuanced then that.
So yes, I’m a bit rude about it. I do this professionally and I’m very tired of people who don’t understand containerization explain to me how containerization sucks. 1 year ago
Everything I wrote is rigorously correct, if a bit tongue in cheek.
Go play with your Dunning Kruger somewhere else.