In the long term yes. But we need a complete systems revamp before that’s possible without creating a situation where a lot of people starve to death. UBI works great as a patch over, and while automation is still getting off the ground. As a solution to an automated economy it sucks. It’s asking to have questions like, “how many loafers can we remove from the system without people revolting this year?” Or the creation of premium dollars that seem to only go to the owner class and goes with scarcity of supply as the wealthy become more and more detached from everyone else and shut down facilities to save on costs.
Basically it risks A Brave New World. Instead we need to make it clear that an automated economy is there for everyone and thus is owned by everyone. 1 year ago
What exactly do you think universal basic income is? 1 year ago
Wealth redistribution. The problem is that we funnel is directly back through purchases providing an inordinate amount of power to the owner class.
In a bizarre way our existence will be allowed only to subsidize the wealthy.
At that point we should ditch money all together. 1 year ago
UBI is not about wealth redistribution. The easiest way I’d describe it is if we created food stamps but for cash.
And the phenomenon you are describing where the rest of society is subsidizing the wealthy is our current reality.
UBI in a sense ditches the concept of money as an incentive tool for productivity. 1 year ago
I was responding to the idea that our jobs are going to be automated away.
Which is exactly was I said the “productive” (those with the means of automation)
Will live lavishly while the “unproductive” ( the rest of us) will not. 1 year ago
And right now it goes from the poor to the government (taxes) to the wealthy, and we don’t get fuck all.
You’re saying you’d rather have nothing than have something. 1 year ago
Im saying of we are going to be making radical changes, which I am in favor of, why stop there?
Its like we cant even conceive of a world without capitalism.