Comment on A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Meanwhile, on Maui:…/maui-power-plant-woes-illustrate-…

We were shocked to read that Hawaiian Electric may have to build a whole new power plant on Maui solely because the company that supplies spare parts for its Maalaea power plant generators unexpectedly shut down.

Hawaiian Electric says the four diesel-powered engines, which are capable of supplying nearly a quarter of the island’s electricity, require new parts every two and a half years as part of routine maintenance, and no other manufacturer appears able to provide those parts.

The company has enough spare parts for now but is scrambling to determine how it will keep Maui’s lights on when the engines need servicing in 2027.

So we may be planning something similar. Not sure, haven’t seen updates, though I could have missed them.
