Do you ask to speak with the manager when the bartender kicks you out of the bar for being a whiny little shit that’s disturbing other customers?
Same deal. If the owner doesn’t want you in the premises you have no recourse. This is not a public place. You have no rights here. Coming to .world to complain about what a .ml mod did is like complaining about the bartender with the patrons of the Wendy’s next door. Sir, we don’t care. This is a Wendy’s and you’re yelling at the customers. 1 year ago
I guess where we differ is that my comment is, to me, in no way shape or form “being a whiny little shit.” It’s commentary on what the government of Israel is doing, in a community for discussing world events. If you see my comment the way you’re describing it, and feel that removing it from a communication network is just the mods doing their due diligence and keeping the network the way it’s supposed to be, then I think we’re not gonna be able to see eye to eye about this. 1 year ago
Whether you were in fact acting one way or the other is irrelevant. You’re still complaining to the tenants of one building that you got kicked out of another, entirely unrelated, building down the same street. And, judging by your overall attitude and demeanor all over this thread, I’m inclined to think that whatever reason that mod had to remove the comment, you don’t deserve any consideration. But still, it happened in a building where we have no say or power of interdiction. So still, I see no reason to care about your butthurt whining. 1 year ago
I’ll take your feedback under advisement.