Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

RIP WordPad.

I almost never used it (in fact, I only heard of it when its death was announced, striesand effect in action), but this is sad. It’s a bygone relic of when software was included with what you paid for, simple and efficient, and not marred by endless storage hungry updates that rarely add anything useful.

There is no easy replacement.

Of course, Microsoft wants you to use Word, which is expensive and runs at 0.05x the speed of WordPad.

There’s notepad, but it’s far too basic.

Notepad++ exists and is really good (I donated to it recently), but it targets a different kind of text editing, focused more on code than documents.

LibreOffice is good for document editing, but it’s somewhat slow and clunky in a way WordPad is definitely not.

The closest competitor may be Abiword but that already died years ago.
