Comment on A record 14,000+ games were released on Steam in 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

the way i try to make sense of it is imagine if every commercial movie was released on the same platform. when i say every movie i mean every movie. every movie from film school thesis that got a limited screening in the local cinema to hollywood blockbusters, from every country of the world, USA, china, india, nigeria, etc… all released on the same platform. i’d bet it would probably have the same amount or even more movies than steam has games. valve just has that kind of global monopoly on the PC gaming space. we only tend to see the shovelware since they are predominantly made to swindle cash out of highest value customers which are english speaking people either in anglosphere or in parts of europe that english literacy is high. we never get to see countless good or bad chinese games because… well they are in chinese.

don’t get me wrong steam is filled with crap and scams but it’s because everything is filled with crap and scams. although actual moderation from valve would be welcome. it’s a hard problem but they got the money and no excuse.
