- Comment on Caption this. 3 months ago:
me when i see ur mum.
- Comment on Responsible Adults 3 months ago:
obligatory mention of cliff stoll and his website.
- Comment on Crypto bros have discovered idle games, and the results are incredibly boring 5 months ago:
fuck notcoin that piece of shit legitimised all these other grifts. now they all are selling boosters for crypto with no sign of actual launch. crypto is cancer.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
honestly aside from explicitly right wing outlets, I don’t see any particular bias against harris. most outlets will almost alway criticize trump on everything while most of the time they praise harris and sometimes they criticise her on her more progression policies (because most of the media tilts fiscal conservative). it’s rather more of a perceptions of the audience thing. trump has done so many outlandish shit that now most of his bullshit gets filtered out as noise.
also i don’t wanna be mean but the question “Why does it feel standards are much higher for Harris than Trump?” sounds like it’s coming from an agitated"vote blue no matter who" democrat who is baffled about why would people not vote for the obviously better candidate.
there are a lot of reasons as you said “this race is STILL either 50/50 or tilt Trump”. maybe it’s because she’s black or female and there are a lot of sexist and misogynists out there, maybe it’s because of the electoral college, maybe it’s because of the hold the MAGA cult has over its members, or maybe it’s because harris is refusing to stop arming and helping a genocide and that is turning people off.
the Harris campaign right now can only change one of these factors. even if you plan on voting, lie on the polls and organise and protest against the genocide because if enough people do this to force the hand of the Harris campaign then it wouldn’t be a close race at all.
- Comment on Old School Runescape is raising membership prices 6 months ago:
jagex is a very shitty company and shitty company don’t want money, they want all the money. they will kill this game eventually. I hate jagex, from jagex accounts which is just a blatant attempt to phase out 3rd party tools and lock people to their ecosystem (which also fucked me over because the new account system blocks my entire country) to their customer service which is horrendous.
now they’re raising prices to appear more profitable probably to trick another prospective buyer and get tossed around again.
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 6 months ago:
most people are focusing on the free labour roblox is extracting from kids but from the article:
Further claims stated, according to Turkish media, that Roblox hosted virtual parties promoting pedophilia and that “robux,” the platform’s virtual currency, was being distributed by bot accounts to encourage children’s involvement in these activities, and excess presence of gambling sites and their predatory tactics.
so it looks like roblox was banned because of bad moderation in regards to gambling and sexual predators, both of which are massive issues of the platform. overall i think this is a good move which hopefully will push roblox to do better.
- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 7 months ago:
companies experimented with appearing more “socially conscious”, waited for a bit, saw it didn’t generate any extra revenue for them, then axed it to appear more profitable.
capital has gotten really dumb, and if you think any one of these really gave a shit about diversity, you might be dumber.
- Comment on Humans share the web equally with bots, report warns amid fears of ‘dead internet’ 10 months ago:
thanks. 32% of malicious traffic is still a lot. the 50% increase in bad traffic in gaming is interesting though.
- Comment on Humans share the web equally with bots, report warns amid fears of ‘dead internet’ 10 months ago:
can’t read this article, can some explain what their definition of bot is?
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 11 months ago:
Roku is a pioneer in most of this crap but don’t be fooled to think that only cheap stuff is gonna have these and that somehow you are safe if you spend a lot on your TV. as it turns out high end and average TV producers would also like to squeeze the tiniest profit margins out of their consumers and if they could get away with it they would do the same.
in fact nowadays most TVs regardless of price are actually collecting and selling your data and in the best case it’s an opt out option in the worst possible place in the menu.
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
mostly around my university but i have also seen the 5G symbol pop up at random places. it’s never consistent though outside uni. the speeds are almost the same as 4.5G so it really doesn’t matter.
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
lmao yeah. long live Mokhaberat
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
here we are getting some limited “5G” (bandwidth is fucked it’s basically early 4G speeds but with a 5G written at the top) here and there, but most cable connections are still on ADSL2. if you want fibre you have to pay for replacing the cables and congratulations now your bandwidth maybe increased from 8 Mbps to 16 Mbps but now your data cap costs are twice more expensive and you basically limited your choice to 1 or 2 ISPs.
the irony is now that almost everyone are on the mobile network the speeds are basically the same as landline connections but data caps are much more expensive. internet here is just fucked.
- Comment on Jagex: CVC Capital Partners & Haveli Investments to acquire Jagex 1 year ago:
oh so that’s why they tried hard to push subscription numbers up. a new set of owners. who could’ve guessed?
- Comment on Crusader Kings 3's 2024 roadmap brings legendary tales, the Black Death, French fashion, and more 1 year ago:
ck2 is still better.
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
super mario bros on one of those NES bootlegs that have “16000” games while in reality it’s more like 50 60 pirated games repeated across the whole list. remember i couldn’t finish the second level really couldn’t time the moving platform jump over the hole. it was fun.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
i’m gonna blatantly disregard your “but where the consequences actually matter” and recommend most of telltale’s games (The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us are the better ones).
besides them and the suggestion of others i would also recommend Tyranny. great CRPG made by Obsidian.
- Comment on Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2" 1 year ago:
if there’s one rule to modding valve games, it’s “don’t touch GabeN’s hat and skin sales”. TF2 despite being a real mess and valve’s server being practically unplayable, still brings in millions of dollars of gambling money, and now that CS2 keys are not tradable TF2 keys are in demand for laundering money. of course they are gonna take down a direct remake of their live service game minus all the bots and shitty cosmetics.
- Comment on A record 14,000+ games were released on Steam in 2023 1 year ago:
the way i try to make sense of it is imagine if every commercial movie was released on the same platform. when i say every movie i mean every movie. every movie from film school thesis that got a limited screening in the local cinema to hollywood blockbusters, from every country of the world, USA, china, india, nigeria, etc… all released on the same platform. i’d bet it would probably have the same amount or even more movies than steam has games. valve just has that kind of global monopoly on the PC gaming space. we only tend to see the shovelware since they are predominantly made to swindle cash out of highest value customers which are english speaking people either in anglosphere or in parts of europe that english literacy is high. we never get to see countless good or bad chinese games because… well they are in chinese.
don’t get me wrong steam is filled with crap and scams but it’s because everything is filled with crap and scams. although actual moderation from valve would be welcome. it’s a hard problem but they got the money and no excuse.