Nah, if you’re going to hide your bad choices behind clinical language, then you need therapy. If you’re not getting therapy and you have 50k to spend, then that’s a you problem.
Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year agoYou don’t have sympathy for people with addictive personality disorders? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Some people don’t realize they have a problem. I feel bad for those people. 1 year ago
The problem isn’t that they “have 50k to spend”, it’s literally the exact opposite AND that they don’t know it’s a problem. 1 year ago
If they spend 50k on a videogame, then they have 50k to spend by definition, whether or not it’s actually their money. If it’s not actually their money, then I have even less sympathy.
I’ll give another example. I have a lot of sympathy for opiate addicts. I have zero sympathy for opiate addicts who steal from their friends and family. 1 year ago
On the one hand, my gut says “if they have 50k to blow and do so on a game, fuck em”
On the other hand, my experience with addictive personalities knows they almost certainly don’t have that money to blow, but they will do so anyway, fucking their life (and possibly their families lives) over even more in the process, and no amount of lecturing them will change, because they need therapy.
My gut isn’t as sympathetic as my brain is. 1 year ago
There was a guy that posted on reddit about how he spent thousands of dollars on loot boxes. The way he totally wrecked his finances and his relationship with his wife was harrowing. Everytime he would get the latest and greatest item, character, whatever, they would come out with something new and he would start all over again. 1 year ago
I have to wonder if this is a video game problem, or if it’s a sort of financial self-destructiveness expressed through a video game rather than through some other means.
Like, for every person who spends money they don’t have on video games, how many people spend money they don’t have on fancy cars, or shoes, or expensive pets, other luxury possessions? How many people spend the rent money on sneakers, or the kids’ college fund on fancy vacations? 1 year ago
The difference with in-game spending is that they use all the same shady techniques as casinos to exploit those people.
You don’t see sneakers shops offering time limited loot boxes for a chance to obtain limited edition sneakers, they also don’t show you a big grid of their catalog with holes for the sneakers you don’t own. “Just buy those 2 pairs to complete the collection of running sneakers!” 1 year ago
Empathetic, to be fair. Sympathetic is to mirror their emotional state, etc. Empathy is to understand it without inhabiting that space/experiencing it yourself.