Starfields world gen is realistic. Empty plants with empty caves dotted with mining facilities… Yeah… That’s actually probably what space is going to look like lol. It’s not something youd want in a video game though.
Comment on Factorio pretty much rewrote its world generation to account for new planets—like this volcanic one 1 year ago
fachorio having better wolrd gen than starfield, it’s 10 years old lol 1 year ago 1 year ago
There is a particular thing that really irks me with starfield.
I enjoy it. I’ve spent 200+ hours in it.
But the planets/moons arent indicative of the range of things we might expect. Mountains, valleys, or planets with active tectonics, or oceans. etc. That little bit of added features on a few planets would he enough.
Take Earth for example. I feel like I should at least be able to visit landmarks like the grand canyon, Mount everest, or the Mariana trench (given what happened to Earth’s atmosphere). 1 year ago
Don’t dozens of games that old and older have better world gen?
Like Dwarf Fortress, which is old enough to drink in the US. 1 year ago
The history is the real selling point for me, idk any other game that builds a rich world of history fully randomly like they do. Can’t wait for the adventure mode release on steam 1 year ago
I just wish it was a little less buggy/not user friendly. I played for awhile when it released on steam, but going back to it sounds so annoying having to set up all those crafting orders again. I stopped last time because there got to be too many cave dwellers and it slowed the game to a crawl. I think they’ve fixed that now, and my other annoyance of the ammo stack issue. I just wish the crafting orders were just a little bit closer to rimworld’s. 1 year ago
You do know for like 18 years dwarf fortress was made by one very autistic dude.
It’s very impressive software, and understandable why it can be a little confusing sometimes. 1 year ago
Honestly I haven’t run into any major bugs yet, but I could just be lucky. Definitely agree that the crafting orders menu sucks though