In what way is the UK (not just Britain) not a democracy? 1 year ago
I largely agree with the article’s content and meaning, but the title is somewhat misleading imo as Britain is not a democracy. 1 year ago 1 year ago
The UK is a democracy. Some may argue about how good of one it is, but it is one.
The whole monarchy being technically all powerful is really a break glass in case of emergency thing. They can intervene once, then we would be a republic. (See 1975 dissolution of the Australian government by the crown) 1 year ago
Well, I agree to some point. You know certainly more about the UK than I do (I’m not British), and you’ll also know about ‘royal interventions’ like this or that.
But I’d say this kind of lobbying is a reality in other European democracies, too, even without a royal family. There are just other interest groups trying to influence laws.