Do folks actually interact with all these services regularly?
Regularly, probably not, just depends.
If you only spin things us to setup or learn something, no.
I run:
- VMware ESXi, vCenter, VMware Log Insight, VMware OPS
- DMVPN to remote locations like a desk switch at work and family member houses
- Sophos UTM
- Active Directory for my home computers
- hybrid sync to MS Entra (Azure Active Directory) with Entra Connect
- hybrid Exchange on Premise and Exchange online
- Active Directory for management network
- Security Onion VMs for IDS
- Network monitoring like Elastiflow, PRTG
- Docker, gitlab, OpenSalt / Saltstack
- Trellix ePO for AV
- Nessus vult scanners
- Team Awareness Kit (TAK) server
- Active Directory Certificate Services
- Home media applications 1 year ago
In my case, yep. I believe in as much separation between services as possible, so each service essentially resides on its own docker host, whether physical or Linux container.
That said, some of my services are stacks of multiple containers. For example. my DNS service is a pair of Pi-hole DNS servers, each running their own Pi-hole container, but each one also running containers for Cloudflare tunnel and telemtry export to Prometheus.
Immich has a stack of 6 containers, Piped a stack of 5. So, out of the 66 containers (that aren’t Portainer agent or Watchtower), it probably condenses down to around half that number (eg. the 25 docker hosts I have, plus a handful or two others). 1 year ago
This is the way. Multiple simple dedicated systems is so much easier to maintain than a single “do everything” server. 1 year ago
It’s what docker and Proxmox were born to do!