Comment on South Park: Snow Day! Scheduled for March 26th Release for PC & Console ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I may be a bit of an old man now, but something about the Southpark games just really speaks to me. I haven’t been keeping up on the show anymore. But I really enjoyed stick of truth and fractured but whole. I may have missed some individual references, but there was more than enough stuff that I was familiar with. And while the mechanics aren’t a masterpiece, they hold up well enough to not get in the way through the whole game.

It is of course mostly about inside jokes and references, but there is plenty new content too.

The trailer isn’t quite enough for me to be sure what game style they are aping on this time, but I’m looking forward to it. Sort of sounds like they might be going arpg this time, but the card elements threw me a bit. I guess I’ll see when more details are known.
