You’re still playing the same issue - penalisation.
Ok, you have person A. Been living in their house for yonks, now getting taxed because real estate turned into a batshit ponzi scheme outside their window.
Low income for an pensioner? Well now the can has just been kicked on to penalise the next generation if they sell or want to move into the property.
It’s going to hurt people it shouldn’t, because the ones who aren’t paying their dues will just find a way to skae this as well 1 year ago
… so now instead of paying $10k per year, my kids will need to pay $500k when I die? 1 year ago
Didn’t the whole proposal start with a hypothetical 80 year old pensioner? You think she’s going to live to 130, and her million dollar house is going to suddenly stop appreciating in value, so her poor put upon 100 year old kids will only inherit $500k?
Obviously it is far better to scrap any sort of tax on property than burden the poor kids with a reduced inheritance. Far better to make the poor kids (and grandkids, and everyone else’s kids, including those who won’t get an inheritance at all) cough up now with something like the income tax levy that has been proposed.