Yeah but there needs to be an “explicitly not this one”-rank, and if you have to also rank republicans in the US, a whole lot of those.
Comment on Instead of only voting for one candidate we should be able to upvote or downvote each candidate 1 year ago
Personally I prefer the idea of ranking each candidate in order of preference, ie “this is my favorite candidate, this is my second-favorite, and so on for all the candidates with enough support to be on the ballot”. I feel like it has more granularity than an upvote downvote system would have. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Afaik, you don't have to rank every candidate in most RCV systems. So If you don't like someone, you can just leave them unranked. 1 year ago
This predictably would just lead to a two party system where you upvote your guy and downvote theirs.
I want the US to be able to vote a third candidate and have it not be an utter throwaway. 1 year ago
It’s certainly still better than the US’s current first-past-the-post system, but it has a critical flaw where a candidate who would have won can end up losing by becoming more popular, which could be abused by people trying to “game” the voting system. In reality, something like approval or score voting would be more representative of voter’s desires.
See Nicky Case’s excellent write-up on how that can happen: 1 year ago
That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard that before, though the one that has that flaw you mentioned looks to be instant runoff voting, which is not quite what I was suggesting (what I was thinking of looks to be called “borda count” here, though the write uo has a criticism of that as well)