Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year agoIssue is, the scroll circle was a copy of the Braun T3 Pocket Radio made in 1953.
And Apple didn’t start the touchscreen phone revolution. That goes to companies like LG (LG Prada, was was publicly displayed in Sept 2006) and others. Everyone always forgets that Apples first attempt at a phone was the [iTunes Motorola Rokr](…/2616.jpg?w=300&q=55&auto…), and Apple had to watch other companies move the touchscreen phone forward and then copy them. 1 year ago
I had a Sony laptop for awhile where you could draw a circle on the touchpad to infinitely scroll/scrub forward and back (if you started your drag on the far right edge). It was kinda amazing once you got down how to do it.
But scrubbers were around way before apple made theirs.