subtitles are slightly more annoying, but i at least partially know what’s going on.
plus english dubs often times suck balls.
Comment on xkcd #2869: Puzzles 1 year ago
This is what it’s like to watch Detective Conan in America. They will even have commercial segways where they say “hey, remember this important clue!” And then not even use that clue in the English dub’s edit. They still present it as a mystery the viewer can solve, but then the solution is always some convoluted BS using clues the audience was never shown lol
subtitles are slightly more annoying, but i at least partially know what’s going on.
plus english dubs often times suck balls. 1 year ago
I’m amused at the linguistic backport that just occurred here. 1 year ago
I’m sure they meant segue here
segue 1 of 3 imperative verb se·gue ˈse-(ˌ)gwā ˈsā- 1: proceed to what follows without pause —used as a direction in music 2: perform the music that follows like that which has preceded —used as a direction in music 1 year ago
No, I meant those little upright, lean-to go forward scooter things. 1 year ago
Watching detective conan in america sounds expensive. 1 year ago
Correct. The amusing part being that “Segway” was intentionally chosen as a play on the actual word “segue”. Hence the phrase “linguistic backport”.