Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year agoMy evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist is better than your evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist!!!
Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year agoMy evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist is better than your evil, greedy and manipulative capitalist!!! 1 year ago
My point is that one is a greedy, evil businessman. The other is a greedy, evil conman. 1 year ago
But only if you draw a very careful line around definitions, what musk does is very standard capitalist business and what jobs did is very much the behaviour of a classic conman. Apples whole business strategy is straight out the carnival con artist playbook, you’ll find all the same tricks at any market stall