Does anyone believe taking notes makes them smarter?
Comment on It's official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch 1 year ago
whats the point of a note taking application? Either keep the note in a .txt file for long term, or write it on pen & paper for short term.
What’s the point of an app to keep temporary notes? 1 year ago 1 year ago
It absolutely does for me. I don’t remember much of what I hear, and only the gist of what I read, but if I write something, it’s in there. I’ll even take notes on my own thoughts to help me remember details as I work out complex problems
I have pages and pages of notes laying around…I almost never read them, but taking them definitely made me smarter 1 year ago
I’m with you there, I carry a small notebook with me everywhere I go and write notes about everything. I remember things that I wrote on paper more easily than inputting them on an app. I guess notetaking apps like logseq has a lot of advantages, like displaying and auto-formatting your notes in a nice way, but for me it’s not really useful. I don’t look at my notes everyday. Also it’s nice to do something without requiring looking at a screen once in a while! 1 year ago
They offer additional features. One Note ties into the MS eco-system in an okish way. Obsidian is basically text (actually md) in a folder/folders but supports plug-ins that can do a lot. Notion is backed by databases. Others run in the terminal and can support plug-ins. Evernote was one of the first to offer additional features and offered syncing and connections to other apps (seems a lot of that has been restricted in the last 15 years). 1 year ago
sometimes low-tech is best… ……/why-the-office-needs-a-typ… 1 year ago
Dude you’re on a platform for people who go out of their way to find their own artisanal social media network. 1 year ago
I’m on a platform because it is free of corporate company control. There is no better security than hand written and properly disposed of notes.
Retaining digital notes in a massive notepad does nothing but add digital mental clutter. Notes are meant to be temporary fleeting thoughts. 1 year ago
The author of that article seems completely out of touch with the requirements of a modern office. Also, that is in no way related to a note taking app.
While I do agree with the sentiment that low tech can be good. While I find note taking apps helpful, I also like a notebook and pen (even lower tech than a typewriter).