Nice, sounds like you narrowed it down.
You can leave turbo boost on and make more subtle adjustments using command line utilities like cpufreq
or with GUI-based unraid plugins like this one.
Before spending time fiddling with settings though, you might try default profiles like power_balance
. If it comes to manual adjustments, I would try limiting max clock speed first. 1 year ago
Thanks, I changed something else, before you replied and forgot to update my reply to you, but I updated the main thread. Maybe some else will search for this exact problem so they know what to do.
So because I did not want to leave Turbo Boost off, I did some more digging and also realized my CPU was always boosting in Unraid. using “watch grep “cpu MHz” /proc/cpuinfo” it was almost always between 2900Mhz and 3300Mhz. I installed Tips and Tweaks plugin and set Normal CPU Scaling Governor to power saver. The sound is gone and now it seems the CPU goes all the way down to 600 MHz and up to 3400MHz depending if it needs it. I don’t know if the power saver will affect performance in any way but so far so good and I don’t have hear that wheeeeee anymore.