- Comment on El Salvador Will Keep Buying 1 Bitcoin Daily Until BTC 'Becomes Unaffordable' With Fiat Currencies, Says President Bukele – Featured Bitcoin News 11 months ago:
Venture capitalist Tim Draper believes that bitcoin will transform El Salvador into one of the wealthiest nations in the world
Or one of the poorest? To the moooon 🔻
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
True but if you use Vivaldi and then you try to go back to Firefox, it’s like going back in the early 2000s. I always say this, Firefox should have been like Vivaldi. Super customizable and packed with features. Instead you have to rely on extensions and thus put your trust in the creator of said extension that they will not sell it. Heck even with extensions, trying to mimic the new tab page from Vivaldi is a masterclass in patience.
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
Ok you get a free pass, make sure it doesn’t happen again :)
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.
- Comment on 11 months ago:
Good luck!
- Comment on Skull And Bones Open Beta Review: It’s Meh, Matey 1 year ago:
The tutorial was shit but I played the beta for 12ish hours. Had no intention of playing it but it ended up being super fun. Won’t buy it, not worth the 70€ price tag. Got ubi+ for a month, should be enough. It was a pleasant surprise.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
I’m really disappointed, was expecting all red videos to be those cringey red arrows pointing at irrelevant things.
- Comment on The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case 1 year ago:
Well they should have fined Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a couple of trillions. That would have taught a lot of companies about
ethicshow to not lose all your money. - Comment on Proton Mail says that the new Outlook app for Windows is Microsoft's new data collection service 1 year ago:
I know but I don’t see any benefits to switching. It’s a little more money for fewer features and it’s still a somewhat new product.
I’ve read some reviews and a lot of people complained about their mails not being sent/received. Might be a limited thing but my email is working so I don’t feel brave enough to start messing around with it and clients not getting my emails.
- Comment on Proton Mail says that the new Outlook app for Windows is Microsoft's new data collection service 1 year ago:
I am aware this comes from a competitor and they want to go all out. However, what is unclear to me, does this also happen to paying users?
For my small business I use Office 365 Business Essentials, whatever it’s called now, the cheapest one. Been using it for many years and for the price/features, it’s pretty unbeatable. I use the new Outlook on my workstation since a few months, it’s pretty slow and not feature complete but was ok. I’m in the EU and haven’t been prompted with that window where it talks about advertisers. Will check Monday if I see a list of advertisers but I think for paid users it’s not the same.
For personal mail, I use Thunderbird, I even donated to them. I like it but would have been great if it had a view like Outlook. At the moment it has table view and cards view. Wish the cards view would more customizable.
- Comment on Heists like seen in Die Hard I actually exist? 1 year ago:
Thanks for the link! Doing a research and this post is perfect.
- Comment on 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip 1 year ago:
I’ll never run
- Comment on Firm predicts it will cost $28 billion to build a 2nm fab and $30,000 per wafer, a 50 percent increase in chipmaking costs as complexity rises 1 year ago:
Your device will be 11% faster and the battery will last 6% more but it will dramatically change the way you interact with your device.
- Comment on Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective 1 year ago:
Tesla has a cult like following, that’s why it’s where it is so it might not go down anytime soon. The artificial status will stay. I mean Elon is slowly working towards destroying the brand, all the brands he touches but cult like following is hard to bring down.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
Thanks, I changed something else, before you replied and forgot to update my reply to you, but I updated the main thread. Maybe some else will search for this exact problem so they know what to do.
So because I did not want to leave Turbo Boost off, I did some more digging and also realized my CPU was always boosting in Unraid. using “watch grep “cpu MHz” /proc/cpuinfo” it was almost always between 2900Mhz and 3300Mhz. I installed Tips and Tweaks plugin and set Normal CPU Scaling Governor to power saver. The sound is gone and now it seems the CPU goes all the way down to 600 MHz and up to 3400MHz depending if it needs it. I don’t know if the power saver will affect performance in any way but so far so good and I don’t have hear that wheeeeee anymore.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
I tried to disable c-states and went on a lot of BIOS settings. The sounds is only gone when I turn off Intel Turbo Boost Technology. Then it’s silent but I guess it also kills my performance in Unraid now it shows it at 792 MHz.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
It doesn’t.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
Thanks, didn’t know that. That’s what surprised me, if it was power related, I would have thought it’s doing it everytime.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
Reading about coil whine if that’s the culprit, it seems a lot of manufacturers don’t RMA them. Just googled a little about the topic and they say some GPU manufacturers accept them. In my case with Asrock, dunno.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
I thought about it but wasn’t sure. Maybe it’s coil whine coming from the DC plug. Bought the board end of October so I cannot return it anymore. Any tips on how to improve it? Still it’s strange that it’s only doing it in Unraid. In Opensuse I tried to push the system but there was no sound, it just worked. That’s what throws me off.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
The sound is present since the first time I booted Unraid, with only the NVMe, no HDDs and no docker/VMs.
- Comment on Built a new machine, the moment Unraid is running there are strange interference sounds coming from the back of the machine. 1 year ago:
When I first started building the machine, I only had the NVMe in the board, the HDDs came at a later date. The sound was still present.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 20 comments
- Comment on Bethesda confirms they are working on releasing new features you asked for, from city maps, to mod support, to all new ways of traveling next year for Starfield 1 year ago:
- Comment on Starfield will get city maps and "new ways of traveling" next year 1 year ago:
I don’t know, I quite like the game. I wouldn’t rank it 4/10, more like a 7/10. I might be impartial because I love the space theme. Was never a big Skyrim fan because I am not big on fantasy.
From my point of view the game has big potential to be expanded upon and since Bethesda rarely releases games, I think they will improve it. I mean look at Fallout 76, it was in shambles and they kept working on it, sure it different since it’s a live game but still.
Don’t really get the CDPR comparisons and why they are back to being praised. They revamped the perks, added police and made some qol fixes, it’s the same shallow, not really a RPG game. Hate that people use Cyberpunk as an example, the game is already abandoned. Use No Man’s Sky if you want to make a comparison.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
Never once in my comment I suggested pity, just being a nice human being.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
Would it be so bad to be nice to Margaret for a few seconds? It would mean a lot to her, I’m sure it would brighten her day.
- Comment on The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money 1 year ago:
Dacia just announced the new Duster, looks pretty great and it starts at under 20.000€, that car got me excited. This car is s POS.
- Comment on Lucid dream startup says engineers can write code in their sleep. Work may never be the same 1 year ago:
Next stop is to make ads in our sleep, Futurama style.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 73 comments